Micro-Event n°38 /Megaphone Muffler

Lab'OA, Paris, 2010

“But language – the performance of a language system – is neither reactionary nor progressive; it is quite simply fascist; for fascism does not prevent speech, it compels speech.” Roland Barthes, Inaugural Lecture of the Chair of Literary Semiology, Collège de France, January 7, 1977. Published as Leçon (Paris: Editions du Seuil) in 1978. Translated by Richard Howard.

On March 8, 2010, the International Women’s Day, I presented “Micro-Event n° 38 /Megaphone Muffler,” at Lab’OA235.
During this performance, I invite 20 participants to address the public in a collective space in silence for a defined time. It is not to tell a personal story, or to stage a political action. Neither does “Micro-Event n° 38 /Megaphone Muffler” denounce social myths, but proposes to break the language. In fact I give you a thought on coded social discourse, carrying violence and exclusion. “Micro-Event n°38 /Megaphone Muffler” is an artistic act that creates a stylized body, gestures and writing, and becomes a collective score.

Participants: Lucille Besombes, Felless Chang
, Svetlana de Cayron, Marie Desoubeaux, Anne Dreyfus, Rosine Dru, Amandine Etelage, Marie Frampier, Claire Hanrion, Yoshi Kaga, Gisèle Le-Ray, Marie-Luce Liberge, June Mcgrane, Lisa Meyer
, Nancy Moreau, Tsuneko Taniuchi