Reproduction rights (books, posters, merchandising, postcards, leaflets, magazines and press, DVD etc..)
Rights of public communication (public exhibition, TV, movies, internet etc..)
Resale Rights (auctions and galleries sales)
Cable and satellite distribution
Private copying
Public lending

Obligatory mentions

Any reproduction or communication to the public of Tsuneko Taniuchi works should be accompanied by the obligatory mention by-line:

© Adagp, Paris, 2020

The above mentioned data are given at indicative purposes only. They are possibly subject to being updated or amended by special instructions. ADAGP departments remain at your disposal for any additional information you could require.

→ Read more at Adagp

You are a museum or cultural venue (Frac, Foundation, Exhibition centre, etc) and preparing a temporary or permanent exhibition ?

You want to print publications as part of an exhibition, produce merchandise or put your collections online ?

→ Please read the guidelines of the Adagp.
